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Precautionary Boil Water Order

Davison Township (Irish Road Area:  I-69 to Railroad Tracks)








Genesee County Drain Commissioner’s Office, Division of Water and Waste Services (GCDC – WWS) discovered a watermain break, in Davison Township, earlier this morning (10/23).  The break occurred in the vicinity of the Irish Road and Court Street intersection, and crews have been on scene securing the line and have made the needed repairs. 


While the waterline has been repaired, and water service is being restored to homes and businesses along Irish Road and Court Street, a boil order is being put into place for the affected area, stretching from I-69 to the Irish Road railroad tracks (please see attached map).  This includes Windsor Place, River Ridge, and Lions Gate Apartments. 


If you live or visit this area, please take the following precautions. 


What should I do? Despite the limited risk, the following precautions are advised: 


DO NOT DRINK THE WATER WITHOUT BOILING IT FIRST.  Bring all water to a boil, let it boil for one minute, and let it cool before using, or use bottled water.  Boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, washing dishes, and food preparation until further notice.  Boiling kills bacteria and other organisms in the water.


What happened? What is being done?


These precautionary actions are being taken due to the loss of water pressure caused by a water main break.  Whenever a water system loses pressure for any significant length of time, precautionary measures are recommended.


Remedial actions such as flushing and collecting bacteriological samples from around the system are also occurring.  Several sets of samples will be collected and tested over the next 48 hours to ensure the water quality meets the state drinking water standards.  We will inform you when tests show no bacteria and you no longer need to boil your water. 


This boil water notice shall remain in effect until results from the sampling verify the water is safe to drink.  Residents will be advised when the boil water advisory has been lifted.  Please look for additional updates from our office. 


Residents in the area indicated on the attached map may also experience localized discoloration of water once service is restored, and are asked to run their lines for 2-3 minutes if this occurs. 


Residents who have questions regarding their water service should contact the Genesee County Drain Commissioner’s Office at 810-732-7870. The after-hours emergency number for the Genesee County Drain Commissioner’s Office is 810-762-3626.  General guidelines on ways to lessen the risk of infection by microbes are available from the EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791.


We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and ask for your patience as crews work to restore normal water service.


Click here for Formal Notice with Maps







Genesee County Drain Commissioner’s Office, Division of Water and Waste Services (GCDC – WWS) is
aware of odor complaints from residents adjacent to our District 3 wastewater facility near Silver Lake
and Hogan Roads in Linden. We appreciate each resident who communicates with our office, and take
each of these concerns seriously.


Click here for the official notification




Genesee County Drain Commissioner’s Office, Division of Water and Waste Services (GCDC–WWS) announces commencement of a routine hydrant maintenance program for several Genesee County communities.


Click here for the official notification









Contact Us Now

Administration Office

G-4610 Beecher Rd, Flint MI 48532

Phone: 810-732-7870

 Fax:      810-732-9773

If you have questions or concerns about your water quality, please call: 

Phone: 810-793-5123

For after hours emergencies:

Phone: 810-762-3626

Thanks for submitting!


© 2023 by Genesee County Drain Commissioner

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