The Genesee County Drain Commissioner Division of Water & Waste Services Permits and Construction Department (GCDC-WWS P&C)
When paying by check, Please make checks payable to: Genesee County Drain Commissioner
Permits Issued:​
Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control (SESC) Permits and/or Waivers (Residential and Commercial).
B-Permits (for new utility connections where applicable).
S-Permits (for extension of public water and sanitary sewer).
Sewer and Water connection Permits (where applicable, some communities issue their own permits).
Please note IPP Permits are issued directly by the GCDC-WWS IPP Department not GCDC-WWS P&C Department.
Please note all well and septic permits are issued by the Genesee County Health Department.
Please note that all drive-way permits are issued by the Genesee County Road Commission.
Reviews Conducted For:
Site Plan Preliminary Plat Approval (per current standards and specifications).
Construction Plan Approval (for extension of public water and sanitary sewer per current standards and specifications).
SESC Plan and Permit Approval (Per State of Michigan Part 91).
Grinder Station Approvals (per current standards and specifications).
Meter Pit Approvals (per current standards and specifications).
Residential Equivalent Unit (REU) calculation and determination of County Capital Improvement Fees (CCIF) per current Table of Unit Factors and Fee Schedule.
REU Audits (as requested by the local unit of Government).
All reviews related to Storm/Surface Water are done by the Genesee County Drain Commissioner’s Office Surface Water Management Division (810) 732-1590.
Other Functions:
Provide construction inspection for the extension of public water and sanitary sewer.
Provide testing of sanitary sewer and water main before they are put into service.
Provide sanitary and water private lead inspections where applicable.
Provide special inspections for installation of meter pits, grinder stations or other activities where applicable.
Provide SESC inspections to confirm compliance where applicable.
Provide as-built utility (water and sanitary) location information.
Provide GCDC-WWS Customer Service to the community.

The Genesee County Drain Commissioner Division of Water & Waste Services Permits and Construction (P&C) Department personnel can be reached at (810) 732-7870 or:
Lynnette Meinz – Engineer III
Site Plan and Construction Plan Reviews, REU Audits
Dion Burroughs – GIS Technician
GIS, Commercial and Residential SESC Permits
Mark Stephens – Geographic Information Systems Coordinator
GIS, B-Permits and Sewer & Water Permits
Cliff Webster – GIS Technician
GIS, Commercial and Residential SESC Permits
Les Rogers – Construction Manager
SESC Enforcement Officer, Point of contact for utility construction projects, construction, lead and special Inspections, utility testing, pre-construction meeting coordinator, shop drawing review and approval, public utility approval
Steve Olson– Inspector
SESC , public sewer and water installation observation, sewer and water lead inspection and special Inspections
Ryan Lynn – Construction Operations Supervisor
SESC, Public sewer and water installation observation, sewer and water lead inspection and special inspections
Cliff Tallman – Inspector
SESC, Public sewer and water installation observation, sewer and water lead inspection and special inspections
Jason Moore – Inspector
SESC (Northern half of Genesee County), Public sewer and water installation observation, sewer and water lead inspection and special inspections
Shawn Weiss – Inspector
SESC, (Southern Half of Genesee County) Public sewer and water installation observation, sewer and water lead inspection and special inspections
Tom Dolan – Inspector
SESC, Public sewer and water installation observation, sewer and water lead inspection and special inspections